Dan Kasmarek AIA
Associate Principal
Dan has been with ACTWO Architects since his graduation from Roger Williams University. Prior to receiving his BSArch, Dan pursued studies in both Art History & Spanish, as well as spending time aboard in Florence at the Institute of Fine And Liberal Arts at Palazzo Rucellai.
As one of the Senior Architects at ACTWO, Dan is consistently tasked with managing the range of needs of any one of the projects in the portfolio. He is consistently involved in all aspect of project planning and execution, working on the full range of projects on the radar.
Dan is involved in all aspects of project delivery, and brings a consistent dedication to design creativity, client services and project execution. Beyond the studio, he works to engage the client base, and enjoys strengthening relationships within the industry. Dan’s approach to practice makes him an important client-facing component to the firms’ success.
His interests beyond A&D go in many directions. His colleagues will be quick to assert that Dan takes full advantage of his leisure time, and he’s fully accepted this characterization. His longstanding diagnosis of FOMO, simply means that he struggles daily with the word NO. It also means you’ll find him wayfaring to warm climates, music venues, sporting events, or anyplace that promotes some sort of adventure. His golf clubs never leave his sight. Downtime is spent figuring out what’s next, and it’s with that type of zeal that Dan continues to be an energizing part of the ACTWO culture.
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